pink corner piece

The Drones

A light-hearted after-dinnerish roleplay game
by Ian Crowther, Sheila Thomas and Victoria Uren


All PCs are members of The Drones Club, Dover St., a London club for generally idle young men. New members are put up for election by existing members.

The club provides social facilities for its members. It has two smoking rooms, one smaller and less used. An older member often mentions the "animal spirits" and "young blood" throwing sugar about in the larger smoking room. There is a bar, and a dining room where the throwing of bread rolls is de rigeur. Games of indoor cricket quite often take place in the corridors and entrance hall.

"We're pretty broad minded here, and if you stop short of smashing the piano, there isn't much you can do at the Drones that will cause the raised eyebrow and the sharp intake of breath".

It is in keeping for all adventures to take place during the early 1920's.

Character generation | Advantages & disadvantages | Combat | Sample scenarios


Background is based on some of the novels and short stories of P.G.Wodehouse.

Some back ground details acquired from Usenet newsgroup and its FAQ by Susan Collicott (

Copyright Ian Crowther, Sheila Thomas, Victoria Uren 1995-1996

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